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  • Photography | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Photography I have been lucky to travel to multiple places around the world, so here is a snapshot. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More

  • Flighthearted | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Flighthearted University module requiring making a new collection of items, in this case - luggage tags, and producing graphical assets. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Design Tags: Graphic Design | Media Experimentation | Colour Theory

  • Clio Speaker | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Clio Speaker Design a speaker that fits into the home. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Research I discovered by looking at existing speaker's on the market, that few felt artisanal and truly part of the home. ​ This observation was mostly down to the materials used. Most had a matte black, plastic outer casing and a grill over the speaker. One of the few exceptions being Bang & Olufsen who exhibited timber. People often have pictures, art or even trinkets in their home. Therefore, I decided to have Pottery as the defining feature of the speaker. Development Initial ideas looked at having a physical barrier to prevent sound wave transmission. However, testing proved on this size, that there was little audible difference. Therefore, attention moved to incorporating electrical components to have a similar user interaction, but a greater effect on the volume. By having a channel running down the side, wires could connect to potentiometer at the top, to the circuitry in the base. Evaluation If I were to do the project differently, I would push the form to be more visually interesting. Design Tags: Industrial | CAD | Card and Foam Modelling Implement Clio's main feature revolves around Acoustic Lens Technology (created by Bang & Olufsen) which evenly distributes sound in all directions. The Lens is made from Pottery Clay because the material is dimensionally stable. This will perfectly reflect the sound, and is inkeeping with other pieces of art in the home. The Ash features add to the artisanal feel of the product, as well as flexing with the varying pressure caused by the movement of the speaker. The Volume Dial (at the top) is comfortable in the hand and represents the rim of a vase.

  • Contact | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

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  • Blueprints: Final Showcase | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Final Showcase Made in Brunel hosts a showcase at the end of each year to exhibit work primarily from final-year students. The event was held at the OXO Tower Bargehouse, following tradition. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Design Tags: Branding | Graphics | Signmaking Main Wall Graphic Using my experience from placement year, I knew graphics on the wall needed to fill the space to have an impact. The iconic Lecture Centre seemed a perfect choice to link to Brunel University. I simplified the drawing to make it suitable for vinyl cutting by removing excess and correctly finishing lines. Floor Vinyls Taking direction from team colleagues, I was asked to produce 1:1 assets for objects painted blue around the room, which would lie on the floor. This selection included a Panton Chair and a push bike. I efficiently created the items from photos and measurements using Adobe Illustrator skills. Colouring Wall To add interactivity to the exhibition, I created a colouring wall using assets from throughout the year. Considering the positioning of each design, I pieced together the puzzle of assets with popular items, such as the Brunel Statue on campus, taking a prime spot. Extra Contributions Following the printer's visit, I requested that the printing plates be part of the exhibition as their white and blue combination felt in keeping with Blueprints' visual and part of the story of how the book came together.

  • Calmar | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Calmar The brief was set during a James Dyson Foundation Workshop, to design a product that relieved a certain target group in a large scale crisis. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Development Ideas varied from memory boxes to places of remembrance. However, the aim was to design an inexpensive, easily distributed product. My contribution to the project was to visualise people's ideas through sketching, for greater communication between the team members. Scent is very closely linked to memory. This reminded me of Fur Berries that would pop open and release fragrances. As a result, thoughts focused on using parent’s clothing that had been left behind to make a comforting product. The basis was to not cut up, sew or destroy the parent’s clothes in order to make something new. Research Due to the economic collapse in Venezuela, adults are fleeing the country in search of earning money. However, as of 20th February 2020, one million children were left behind with neighbours, extended family or by themselves (Phillips and Rangel, 2020). At this age, the separation can leave negative long lasting effects on a person’s mental health. During a workshop run by the James Dyson Foundation, the team wanted to find a way for the children to feel closer and connected with their parents. Implement Then Calmar was created. It is a long cushion with fastenings on either end. When a T-shirt is wrapped around the cushion to act as a casing, Calmar can fold over and fix to produce a comfortable pillow. Other team members carried out prototyping ready for presentation. The product won 2nd place in the workshop for considering the emotional needs of the children, and feasibility instead of trying to solve the entire crisis. Evaluation There was a energetic dynamic in the team because we all felt strongly about the cause and only had a few hours to concentrate one idea. The range of disciplines included socially aware designers to practical thinkers. We were successful because we listened and reached a middle ground. Phillips, T. and Rangel, C. [2020] A million children left behind as Venezuela crisis tears families apart . Available at: [Accessed 20th February 2020] Design Tags: CAD | Group Project

  • DFM | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Design for Manufacture Using another team member’s Speaker design, look at every aspect in preparing the design for Mass Manufacture. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Planning Aspects required for inspection included Costings, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, as well as meeting Safety specifications. ​ The team task was broken down into three main sections over nine weeks: getting to know the every member, their characteristics and choosing the Speaker Design; process and material selection; then documentation. My Role My role in the team was to produce the CAD files for Aesthetic and Technical Models. As the other team members carried out research in the different fields (processes, costings etc.) I worked with each of them to translate their findings into the design. During the file production, I had to make some of the key design decisions. Develop The main challenge was making the part have uniform thickness in preparation for Injection Moulding. This meant the Point was removed. As an added benefit, the change made the product safer. The design of the moulds and their movement meant features were added to indicate these considerations - such as the Parting Line. After another team member carried out ANSYS Simulations, I adapted the design to reduce internal stresses. These changes included adding a Rib down the back, and fillets along the edges. Finally, Ejector Pin Marks were added. Implement This same method of breaking down each part according to the Manufacturing Process was carried out on all the parts. Several iterations were carried out, especially when the Manufacturing Processes were changed midway through or feedback was given from Manufacturers. The result was a complete Assembly in SolidWorks. Evaluation The dynamic of the team was harmonious as we all wanted to work hard. If we found a loose end, we were eager to sort it out. The team included Industrial Designers and Product Design Engineers as well as consultations with Technicians. I often took the lead on meetings to keep discussions focused and confirm people's tasks. Overall, it was a successful project. Design Tags: Industrial | Mass Manufacture | CAD | Group Project

  • WePause | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    WePause Design a solution to engage employees to feel part of something bigger than themselves, for those who have never experienced a physical, collective workplace, in line with the brand WeTransfer. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Discover This project required a team to design protection for future generations of homeworkers. ​ Over the past two decades, there has been a gentle increase in the number of home workers, but the pandemic accelerated a shift which saw a significant rise in just one year. As a result, companies are now preparing for a future of hybrid working even though it has many associated problems, including social isolation (which became my focus), overload and lack of physical activity. A requirement was to study brands that could ‘stretch’ to address this problem and fit with the team’s values. The best fit was WeTransfer. Although wholly online, they fill the gaps once held by physical objects, such as files. We saw an opportunity to work with their creative and playful spirit and suggest a new market for them where physical products would enable sharing essential parts of work beyond files. Define Each team member selected one of the critical issues around homeworking. I chose the social side of the office, which is lost from teams being physically separated. ​ 59% deem their sense of work community to be worse by not being in the office (Ipsos MORI, 2020). The social side of work is struggling to exist when there is no ‘watercooler’ to chat over. In addition, being physically separated, not being able to see their teams, and only having digital means for connection mean workers struggle to stay motivated (McGregor and Doshi, 2020). ​ 70% of workers believe their friendships are essential to work happiness (Schawbel, 2018). Removing the physical space to nurture these connections, I decided this was a design opportunity to allow them to form. Development There is no physical communal space in a digital tomorrow to talk, nurture connections and build a team. So I broke down the minutia of the working day to identify critical moments where colleagues connect and bond. One of these was during the tea break. Designing around the kettle was favoured as it is vital from the start of the tea-making process. Therefore, the product could involve separated colleagues from the beginning of the break, maximising time spent together. ​ Benchmarking was used to gauge the CMF needed for the team and WeTransfer to have a cohesive aesthetic. Final Outcome The human resemblance felt like having a companion during the call and played into the light hearted nature of the WeTransfer brand. ​ All contact points were considered, including accepting, ending and declining calls. Fundamental interactions include dialling by pressing buttons around the shoulder with colleagues’ initials, and accepting the call by rotating the handle. ​ ​ The project was significant as it required teamwork and large research sections. But it was successful as it provided experience in distributing work based on people’s strengths. Ipsos MORI (2020) Working post-COVID. Available at: [no place]: Ipsos MORI. ​ Made in Brunel (2022) Detail. [fig.] From the library of Made in Brunel. ​ McGregor, L. and Doshi, N. (2020) How to Keep Your Team Motivated, Remotely . Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2022]. ​ Schawbel, D. (2018) Why work friendships are critical for long-term happiness. Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2022]. Implement Yellow foam modelling was used to analyse proportions. ​ Technical drawings were drawn in SolidWorks. ​ The model was made from Pink PU Foam and Acrylic. Traditional techniques were used, such as milling and sanding; then hand finished with spray painting and decals. Design Tags: Industrial | Research | CAD | Prototyping | Model Making

  • Blueprints: Merch | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Merchandise Every year merchandise is designed to promote the new sub brand. Along with my colleague, we decided on a range of products including Pin Badges, Lanyards and Stickers. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Implement Once complete, designs were sent off to the relevant manufacturer and applicator, then delivered to be sold at our shows. Evaluation Each item looked professional and , with people impressed at the detail achieved. The notes section at the back meant students could write messages and well wishes for the future, further adding to the fun activities at the Final Showcase. Design Tags: Branding | Graphics | Merchandise Development Each item was pitched to the team and workshopped. I then collected this information and generated several variations on Adobe Illustrator. Lets focus in on the posters. Starting with Blue details on a White background, this would have the most basic elements from the brand implemented. Each stage then adds more elements from the brand, including the gradient then grid. Furthermore, actual dimensions were added to make them feel even more special.

  • Pipp | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Pipp Meet Pipp, the Plane Printing Pal. The brief set by Thumbs Up Ltd was to design a smart home product by first identifying the problem and then deliver innovation which makes life easier at home. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Research Rather than trying to solve a physical problem in the home, I wanted to respond to an abstract theme. A staggering statistic found “1 in 6 people have experienced a common mental health problem in the last week” (McManus et al, 2016). Therefore I explored how product design could help with a person’s short- and long-term emotional well being. ​ The market is saturated with apps assisting with mental well-being, but no physical product addressed the intangible aspects nor dealt with the issue in a lighthearted, surprising way. ​ Content research of 'satisfying video' trend lead to the paper planes theme as it was an intriguing theme for resolution. App Design Accompanying the product is an app where you could track your mental well being and send planes to your closest friends’ printers. ​ The user could also personalise most of their interaction, including button illumination colours and the plane’s design. Future plans would be for users’ inputs to incorporate different responses to music and lighting in their homes. McManus, S., Bebbington, P., Jenkins, R., Brugha, T. (eds.) (2016) Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014 . Leeds: NHS Digital. Available at: [Accessed 10th October 2019] Final Outcome I have completed extensions to the project since completion, including developing a visual language and packaging that complemented the playful theme. Design Tags: Industrial | Packaging | CAD Development I explored how the user would tune into their emotions and record them in a physical way. Results included the universal emotion rating scale, which uses the familiarity of faces to determine a person’s feelings. Forms investigated (seen right) looked at how a trio of emotions could be presented. The horizontal designs were favoured as then it didn’t give obvious hierarchy to a particular emotion.

  • Blueprints: Brand Launch | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Core Brand The brief was to devise a sub-brand for Made in Brunel 2022 that reflected our year group. It is core to how each final year defines itself from the rest and sets the tone for everything that follows. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Discover Together with my fellow Branding Manager, we ran Branding Workshops to better understand what the brand would represent. Analysing previous sub-brands meant we could see what worked and get a feel of what the team wanted to achieve and portray. Define After researching various name routes, we came across the term Blueprints. There were many interpretations of how Blueprints could represent our cohort. ​We also knew it had large amounts of potential as its distinctive elements make for a strong visual impact. The key meanings behind the brand were: ​ Blueprints have moved with the times, as have we. Now technical drawings are produced on computers. Their quality and detail have not been lost in this transition, nor have our technical competencies or skills as Brunel Designers. Blueprints are mass-produced with standard symbols and structures, reflecting us as good communicators of ideas. They also represent the culmination of the process and hard work to reach final designs, so they reflect our own journeys and growth while studying at Brunel University London. Evaluation The evening was a great success with large volumes of positive feedback regarding the brand and room. It was exciting to see it come to reality and everyone enjoy their time. Design Tags: Branding | Graphics | Signmaking Implement Now the key elements had been decided, it was time to apply it to the Brand Launch. The team wanted to make an impact on the first in-person Launch since before the pandemic. This motivation meant creating an immersive Brand Room, including blue lighting, sociable areas and activities. ​ My main contribution was designing the elements and carrying out the photography for the walk around installation. Using knowledge from my placement, I chose cap heights for easy reading. Context Made in Brunel is a student-led programme which gives an opportunity for final year students to showcase their talents before heading into industry. A team is selected each year to carry out tasks, in which I was appointed Brand Manager. Develop The central blue was chosen to match the original blueprints produced closely. Secondary colours were chosen to compliment the rich tone, and follow current trends in design. ​ Core values were chosen by refining down keywords the team selected, which felt represented us. I then remembered how materials have different hatching patterns for cross-sections in technical drawings. Knowing this could be an excellent basis for future graphical elements, I suggested that the patterns should be paired with our values. ​ To appreciate their complexity, other assets would be technical drawings of iconic designs and everyday objects.

  • Work Experience | Kirsty Patterson Portfolio

    Work Experience During a week spent at Morgan Carey Architects, my task was to design a conceptual house taking into considerations faced by Architects. Home Portfolio CV Contact Search More Research My Mentor provided suggestions of inspiration including The Fallingwater House by Frank Lloyd Wright. ​ A favourite location of mine is Italy. Therefore, the house also took inspiration from Italian Architecture and materials. Development Various layouts were drawn out as further restrictions were put in place, such as Plot Size, before producing the CAD Model in Google Sketchup. Evaluation After the internship, I carried out some self-motivated projects. This included the Watercolour Painting, the Card Model and loading the CAD Model into a VR Headset. Design Tags: Architecture | Interior Design | CAD | Card Modelling

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